One-screen puzzle made for Confounding Calendar 2023.

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I can't seem to find the answer, are there any hints?

rot13 hints:
gur bevtvany gurzr sbe guvf tnzr hfrq n culfvpny grgure, fb vg jencf nebhaq bowrpgf va gur yvar bs gur beovg. guvf vagrenpgvba yvzvgf ohg nyfb urycf lbh.
guvf uvag vf ebg14: ftq wqk uzfqdyqpumfq efmfq ue fa adnuf qmdft oxaowiueq mf dmpuge azq, ngf oayuzs rday oagzfqdoxaowiueq mdagzp ftq egz ue uybaeeunxq pgq fa hqzge nxaowuzs dmpuge ftdqq.
ftue tuzf ue daf15: espcp td l cpaplelmwp xlypfgpc esle rped jzf zyp nwzdpc ez ufatepc. oz esle l qph etxpd lyo espy pglwflep jzfc zaetzyd.

(1 edit) (+2)

That was an extremely precise yet really cool path but I found it,and I am about to get to cere-WHAT

wow, i do understand it, but i need a hint from female, male, target, or ML do i use to go to  21 to rotate to ?+

idk the names, ijust put wut i thought the symbols are

the latter. you are expected to know or look up the astronomical symbols.